Mindfulness Programs for Companies and Leaders

We are Living in Constant Stress

It’s not just wearing on us…

…it’s impacting our relationships, work engagement, and our results. It’s making us exhausted, and deeply impacting the quality of our lives.

Studies show we’re in a state of stress an astounding 70% of the time.

For some, the stress has gradually been building. And for others, a traumatic event is a tipping point.

I was a startup executive, then small business owner, mom of 3, and former high performance athlete, trying to do it all. I lost sight my dream life. And like so many people I talk to, I was focused on the next big thing, not the every day moments that were right. in. front. of. me.

It took a layoff and lawsuit before I knew, something had to change.

Let me be clear - I was a reluctant meditator at first.

I joined a group program, and began studying under some of the world’s leading meditation experts, and witnessed amazing changes in my own life.

You and your team deserve this, too.

Ways to Work with Me

  • The Pause: An 8-week Mindfulness and Meditation Program

    In a world with so much external stimulation, meditation is a proven and impactful way to travel inward to find connection with ourselves. Group meditation classes with a live instructor can make all the difference for skeptical folks feeling too busy or anxious to sit still for the practice.

    Meet weekly via Zoom or in-person (Boston area) for 50 minutes of meditation, learning the science of mindfulness, and a brief Q&A. Gain greater awareness, a more openminded approach to work, enhanced creativity innovativeness, and adaptability.

    Tools and tips for practice outside weekly meetings reinforce the practice.

  • Mindful Leader Mastermind

    Whether you’re an emerging leader or seasoned C-suite executive, this 3 month program will set you up to lead with more mindfulness, include deep dives into building empathy, coaching team members, negotiating, and up-leveling communication skills. You’re connected with a cohort of growth-mindset oriented peers committed to becoming the better leaders.

    Mindfulness is no longer optional. Learn why leaders like Ray Dalio, Arianna Huffington, and Marc Benioff put so much emphasis on it.

    Program include bi-monthly live calls, a private online group for connecting and staying accountable, 2 1:1 coaching sessions with Christine, and access to recorded meditations and worksheets.

    Our next small group cohort begins in September.

Seeking a private coaching experience?

Christine works with a limited number 1:1 private executive coaching clients, integrating mindful leadership practice into a signature V-I-P framework (Visioning-Inner Alignment-Purposeful Action).

Clients include leaders (Director level to C-suite) from organizations like Facebook, VMWare, Boston Dynamics, Toast, and Johnson and Johnson.

Studies show incredible health and wellbeing benefits from an ongoing meditation practice. These benefits translate into more meaningful business results in your organization.

I’ve done a few things in my career, but none so rewarding as coaching my clients to work and live more mindfully and to realize their infinite potential.

Prior to coaching I served as a marketing and account management leader in high-growth startups. Then I served in a consulting capacity to startups, VC firms, and tech companies.

My orientation towards achievement was always strong, and at the same time, I’ve always been inspired by “leadership for good”. It’s no wonder my journey has led me here.

I’m a recovering people pleaser and high achiever. You could say, just like in my competitive collegiate rowing years, I figured out the grit before the grace in my career. It took being out of alignment before I realized something had to change.

Enter meditation, mindfulness, and choosing to lead in alignment with new beliefs and values. I became a certified meditation teacher and coach leaders from C-suite execs to emerging leaders to bring mindfulness to their work and life and enrich both simultaneously.

About Christine