1:1 Coaching

Personalized coaching for the transition you’re ready to make.

You’re ready to commit to change - or the next big thing. Whether you’re clear of what that is or not, having a coach to guide you through will help give you the insight, confidence, and ability to tap into your abundant natural gifts to get there.

Individual coaching is for entrepreneurial and career-minded women and men in transition or seeking growth in mindset, motivation, and accountability from a coach that will walk by your side, challenge you to see different perspectives, support more mindful choices, and hold you accountable to your big vision.

We’ll work together to dream into what it is you desire most, create a plan to help you reach your goals, and adjust along the way based on your unique and dynamic situation.

1:1 Coaching is for you if you are:

  • Goal-oriented but not seeing the results with the same methods that once worked

  • Are in a stage of life transformation - maybe you recently took on a new role at work, took on caring for kids or others, or are considering entrepreneurship or a career change

  • Seeking accountability and regular checkins to help you achieve your life or career goals or vision

  • Seeking 1:1 marketing and branding support to accelerate your small business growth

  • Could benefit from personalized guidance and a point of view outside your family and circle of friends

  • Seeking a mentor to help navigate work situations, and to build a stronger support network inside of your workplace

  • Looking for resources to take a more heart-centered approach to leading your life at home, at work, or both